All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch (AIDMAM)- National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR)
All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch (AIDMAM) was established in 2006, an autonomous unit of National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR) and is a national platform to escalate and amplify the voices of India's Dalit women. AIDMAM envisions building a dynamic collective of Dalit Women Leaders which would lead a mass movement for regaining and establishing the human dignity, rights and security of Dalits and other marginalised communities. The organization is currently operating in 7 states of India with its head office in Delhi.
AIDMAM firmly believes that leadership among Dalit women is the only key to end caste and gender-based violence and to ensure the human rights of Dalit women. AIDMAM aims to support and strengthen Dalit women to address violence inaccessing justice and economic rights through networking, enhanced skills and leadership at district and state levels, and create visibility at a global level and promote their socio-political, economic and cultural rights at large.

Mission Statement
To promote and protect Dalits Human Rights, especially women and children, by strengthening their access to justice system and socio-economic rights at national and international platforms.
Thematic areas of work:
I. Addressing violence against Dalit women and minor girls.
II. Protection and Promotion of Dalit Women Leaders.
III. Strengthening effective participation of Dalit Women Elected Representatives in local governance.
Where we work (location)
Comming soon!
Comming soon!
Uttar Pradesh
Comming soon!
Madhya Pradesh
Comming soon!
Comming soon!
Comming soon!
Comming soon!
State Events
National Events
State Dalit Women Consultation in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
State Level Dalit Women's Consultations were organized in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar in January and February in 2021. Dalit women from the 6 districts Madhya Pradesh and 9 districts of Bihar joined the consultation. The participants included Sarpanch, Dalit women elected representatives in the Panchayats, Dalit women working in media and other professions like domestic workers, NGO workers, social activists etc.Small groups were made among the participants to preset the issues faced by Dalit women in all the blocks. Towards the end of the consultations, a state level working group was formed as all the participants voluntarily agreed to participate and contribute in association with AIDMAM in advocating with the state administration for Dalit women's rights.
State Advocates Conference Patna, Bihar
A one day State Level Dalit Advocates Conference was organized on 13th February, 2021 at A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies in Patna, Bihar. The conference was directed by Mr. Jogendra Paswan, Member, National Commission of Scheduled Castes. Adv. Alka Verma, Patna High Court and Former-Member of Minorities Commission, Director of the organization 'Nari Gunjan', Padmashree Ms. Sudha Varghese participated as chief guests in the conference. 45 Women and Men advocates from 10 districts of Bihar participated in the conference where the challenges and issues faced by the advocates regarding the SCs & STs (PoA) Act were discussed and resolved. A strategy was prepared to set up a state level Dalit Advocate Forum to prevent all forms of violence on Dalit women and for effective implementation of the Atrocities Act in the state.
State Youth Leadership Training, Haryana & Orissa
A two day residential Dalit Youth Leaders capacity building programme was organized in Kurukshetra, Haryana and in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 30 youth leaders from 5 districts of Haryana and 30 youth leaders from 4 districts of Odisha participated in this training which focused on the basics of Human Rights and its monitoring, law and advocacy, leadership skills, optimum use of social media and communication skills, etc. The present group of trained young leaders is the potential torch bearers of Dalit Women Human Rights in the future and is being capacitated to become a Human Rights Defender in the coming times.
National Webinar on State Complicity in increasing brutally against Dalit women: Resistance and Strategies.
AIDMAM organized a webinar on 6th October, 2020 in the wake of brutal gang rape and murder of a Dalit girl in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh and State’s response to it. The webinar aimed to raise a collective voice against the increasing gender and caste based violence against Dalit women in India and to strategize our action to address the critical issue and break the culture of impunity and to hold the state accountable towards the Dalit, Adivasi and women.
Eminent Dalit women leaders of the country participated in the webinar including Ms. Vimal Thorat, Dr. Ruth Manorama, National Federation of Dalit Women, Ms. Fatima Burnard, Tamil Nadu Dalit Women Movement, Ms. Jhansi Geddam, Dalit Sthree Sakthi,Ms. Yashoda, Dalit MahilaVedike, Karnataka, Ms. Beena Pallical, Dalit Arthik AadhikarAndolan, Ms. Manjula Pradeep, DHRD Net, Ms. Chhaya Khobragade, Ms. Reeta Kaushik, SKEVS, Ms. Gayatri Sonker and Dr. Judith Anne, National Dalit Movement for Justice. Solidarity message was also shared by national feminist leaders like Ms. Shabnam Hashmi, Activist, Ms. Suneeta Dhar, Activist and Ms. Swati Sukumar, Advocate and Founder Roots Resource.The webinar was chaired by Ms. Abirami Jotheeswaran, All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch.
National peaceful demonstrationin Delhi on 10th October 2020 against the rising violence against Dalit women and girls.
On 9thof October 2020, AIDMAM organized series of events and submitted memorandum to the District Collectors of 17 districts of 6 states across the country demanding to ensure speedy trial and justice in the Hathras gang rape incident.
Following this a national demonstration wasorganized at Ambedkar Bhawan, New Delhi on 10th October, 2020 against the rising atrocities on Dalit women and girls across the Indian State. Further the demonstration, a press release was circulated among the media asking for the speedy trial and justice to the victim and family of Hathras gang rape incident.
Book Release- ‘Dalit Women Rise For Justice- Status Report 2021’
The book- 'Dalit Women Rise For Justice- Status Report- 2021' was released on the occasion of Women’s Day on 8th March, 2021 at the Constitution Club, New Delhi.The report was released by Prof. Vimal Thorat, NCDHR, Ms. Sarika Chaudhary, Member, Delhi Commission for Women, Govt. NCT of Delhi, Ms. Beena Pallical, DAAA-NCDHR, Mr. Paul Divakar, Global Advocacy – NCDHR, Prof. Sukdev Thorat, Former Chairperson for University Grant Commission, Chairperson Indian Institute of Dalit Studies,Dr. Judith Anne, NDMJ-NCDHR and Ms. Yashoda, SCs & STs Monitoring and Strengthening Committee,Karnataka. A message for Building Solidarity for Dalit Women’s Rights was also shared by Ms. Annie Raja, National Federation of Indian Women, Ms. Shabnam Hashmi, Senior Activist,Ms. Annie Namala, WNTA, Ms. Sunita Dhar, Senior Activist, Ms. Devyani, CHRI and Ms. Pooja, International Budget Partnership. The book highlights the caste system and patriarchy in India, socio-economic and political status of Dalit women in India, extent of violence against Dalit women as per the NCRB reports of 2014-2019, nature and causes of caste and gender based violence against Dalit women, the lacunas in accessing justice by Dalit women and AIDMAM’s interventions in such cases. National and international mechanisms and frameworks to address caste and gender based violence against Dalit women is also discussed in the report. The report also records specific Recommendations from AIDMAM to the government, civil society organizations, media and international human rights bodies to eliminate caste and gender based violence against Dalit women.